you know it's real when there's nothing left to reveal

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Look Mom, I cut my own hair!!

I would like to direct everyone's attention to my mullet type thing that I recently acquired. Yes I did cut my own hair, but don't worry, its not completely ruined. I've had a dream for a while now, then at Christmas I was inspired my a dear friend of mine, Mark. And now I'm living my dream. Its beautiful really.
Now I must admit, its not a full on mullet like Marks amazing piece of art. My goal is to have a retro look with a modern twist. I have no idea what I'm saying, really. But a visit with the Hair Goddess (my cousin) will sort out all the little details I'm sure. That's all for now my friends, and remember, live your dreams out loud!!!


Blogger Stephanie said...

Amennnnnnnn to living for your dreams! I've always wanted to have blond hair with pink stripes...I think tonight is the night to dye it (or perhaps NOT!)

6:21 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

I was joking about the pink and blond hair thing, by the way, just incase you were wondering...

6:22 PM

Blogger mark said...

You see, the thing is that there's no point heckling the man. Trust me. He was inspired by me to live the mullet dream, and I doubt that he's going to be insulted by it. I speak from experience when I say that abusive comments about my mullet only serve to make me want to grow it longer...

7:26 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

Mark is exactly right. The reason I still have side burns is cause everyone in highschool told me to get rid of em. I heard it so much that i decided to never get shave them off.

And Stephanie, Blonde with pink strips sounds good to me!! honest! but then again, why would you listen to a guy with a near-mullet, haha.

10:49 AM

Blogger Jon L said...

Keep the dew!!! It looks great!!!

8:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wiked. The hair is wicked.

Soooo, what's with the new picture? Was that the home video you and your friends made, or did you just get back from Iraq?

12:31 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

Naw, that pic is from when I was fighting over in Vietman.

1:07 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...

you look like a girl

6:00 PM

Blogger *sPARKLY~sARAH* said...

I'm concerned that since I've been gone, you're fashion sense has deteriorated at a faster rater then when I was there . . .

But I suppose your hair will grow back, so good luck and buzz it all off my friend!

7:32 AM

Blogger beth said...

steve, what can i've done it again...gone and set a new trend. you're innovative and don't give a rat's buttox what people think. it's to be admired young man. afterall, what did God give us hair for? To have fun with maybe. Or maybe to shave off in times of grief or something. At the end of the day, don't run with the scissors you've used to cut your hair. It's dangerous.

9:42 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

Well Drew, your arms looks like girls arms!!

Sarah, you of all people should know that my fashion sense has increased, not decreased. I would like to thank Lee for it to. He's a stylish Englishmen.

Beth, thank you SOOOO much for using my favorite word!!! Buttox!!!!

6:38 PM

Blogger Linda Hope said...

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1:06 AM

Blogger Linda Hope said...

Love the hair.
LOVE the new profile the heck did you do that?
Wish i kept up with your blog more!
Why are Audi's so cool, besides the fact that they are so darn sexy, fast and reliable machines?
When I get my M licence, can you teach me some techniques?
Or even show me some bikes i can drool over...?

Steve, you truly are the coolest! I wish i could be just like you!!

1:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steve, You can only get "surreal" in California so I'll bring ya some when I come out there. You goof! Shoot we havn't talked in a while. I actually wrote you an email the other night and my computer shut down half way through. I was too lazy/pissed to write it out again. Sorry! I'll just talk to you in "real life" in a few weeks anywayz which is way freakin' better.

12:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

K not that we don't all LOVE seeing your ear every time we click on your page...I mean it's a great ear...but please say other things...the world awaits you.

8:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey stevo I never got to see this mullet fullet
oh.. Lichti is soo awesome

9:05 PM


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