Angela and I are engaged !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this is the official story about our engagement, and a few of the events leading up to it. This post is long, and quite detailed, just like Sarah Houghton requested. There are pictures, so if you are lazy, you could just look at them. Also, please feel free to either comment at the end of this post, or email me ( your comments. We would love to hear from you!!!
So, we started dating on Dec 24th 2006, and one year later was when things finally came together, and it was time for me to ask Angela to marry me. It was also the perfect cover up so that Angela didn’t see it coming. I’m not very good at keeping secrets, and Angela can read me quite well. So my proposal plans just seemed like a One Year Anniversary celebration, hehe. Also, Christmas shopping was a perfect cover up for me taking Angela shopping, and then splitting up so I could “shop for her” and pick up the ring (aka Angela’s engagement bling). There was like a hundred times, quite literally, that I almost said something to Angela, and let the secret out. But some how, most definitely by the grace of God, I never said anything, and she didn’t see it coming.
We started out from Angela’s parents place at 9am, an hour later then I wanted to leave, and after getting unstuck from the snowdrift in the driveway, we were on our way. I tried my best not to get stressed, and remained cool, sort of, cause I knew we were gonna be tight for time cause there was A LOT of driving ahead of us.
We stopped by my parents place so I could pick up my “bag of surprises” and two GT snow racers. I told Angela that we were going to go on an adventure to find the best tobogganing hill ever!! The first thing I gave her from the bag of surprises was a Riddle/Poem for her to read and guess where our first destination was. She guessed right, and quite easily, that it was the first place we met. A coffee shop of course.
After having a nice warm drink and some lunch, we got back in the truck and headed to the next secret location. On the way I gave her the next surprise, a lovely card for our one-year anni. I found it a while ago, and the words were just perfect. The gist of it was that I would love to grow old with her. Yes, I know, I’m very romantic. On our way through Orillia we stopped at Timmy’s for a pit stop and some cookies. Form there Angela drove and I told her where to turn. She started to recognize the roads, and guessed that we were headed up to Bancroft to go up to the Eagles Nest Lookout point. She was right, but I just told her “that's a good guess, hun”.

The road to Bancroft

A few momentos, card, cookies, coffee, and poem
Eagles Nest is a special place for us. It was the first place that we spent time together, just the two of us. I had invited Angela to go with me to the Rally of The Tall Pines back in Nov 06, only a month after we met. During the afternoon break we went up there and talked for a while, and threw rocks of the cliff. Then, during the Lichti family holidays this past summer in Halliburton, we went up again and watched the sunset, and saw a cloud that looked just like David Hasselhoff. No joke! So of course, it was the perfect, and only, place to ask Angela to marry me.

A veiw from the first time at Eagles Nest

Angela and Stephen first time at Eagles Nest
We got to the base of the hill with only 45 mins of daylight left. The road up to the lookout point is not plowed during the winter, so we had to hike it. I knew this, which is why we brought our snow gear, and GT snow racers for the way back down. So of course, the “tobogganing on the best hill ever,” was the cover up for this part. Now I had assumed that there would be snowmobile tracks to follow up the hill. But there were no snowmobile tracks. The climb was long already, so trudging through snow up to your knees would make it impossible to reach the top before dark. Fortunately, someone had snow shoed up the hill before the thaw and refreeze, which made frozen steps for us to follow. I’m sure it was a God send.

Looking up at Eagles Nest Lookout Point

The Hike Up
We made the climb in about half an hour, with only 10 mins of daylight. I knew I was a bit rushed, but I tried to remain calm and enjoy the moment. Angela tried to throw me into the snow, but it backfired on her, haha. After some fun I stomped out a spot for us to stand. A suspicious moment from Angela’s perspective, but I “just thought it would be easier to stand”.

At The Top of Eagles Nest

A Kiss to win her heart, I hope
So then I asked her if she wanted the next surprise from the bag of surprises. Of course she said yes. I pulled out a piece of paper, which she saw, and a small box, which she didn’t see. I gave her a hug whilst reading two poems that I had written her previously, for some nice memories of course. But at the end of the poem that I had asked her out with, I changed “will you go out with me” to, well, you can guess I’m sure. But right before I read those words, I did a large, dramatic pause and took a step back from her. And suddenly, it hit her, he’s about to ask!!
As I knelt down on one knee, Angela keep saying over and over, “What are you doing?! What are you doing?! What are you doing?!” I then revealed the ring and asked her to marry me. She then said over and over “I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to do! Are you sure!? Are you sure!? I don't want to see it, I don't want to see it (the ring)!”
I took her hand and tried putting the ring on the wrong finger at first. Angela corrected me, and then I got it right. It fit perfect, so I stood up.
“I didn’t say yes yet!!” exclaimed Angela.
“Oh, right.” I said as I went back down on my knee.
“Yes, I will marry you!” Angela said, "you are SO handsome!"
...I might have added the handsome part...but it is true!

After she said YES

Angela's new Ring (aka Engagement Bling)
So anyway, we were right out of day light, and we still needed to get back down the hill. So we took a few pictures, shared some kisses, and headed back down the hill. Unfortunately, the snow was too deep for the GT snow racers to slide as well as they should. But we made it, in one piece, and still very much in love.

Back At the Bottom of Eagles Nest

My favorite Girl EVER

A close up of the "Bling"

Back at my parents house, and very tired
And now, a bunch of photos, just for fun!!!!

Christmas Day with my Fianceeeee

A day trip to the beach

A kiss on the beach!

Writting in the sand, on the beach

Two big smiles

Steve is SO hott, and he knows it, sigh

At Daniel (Angela's brother) and Natasha's wedding

Driving somewhere, we like driving

My B-day present to Angela, a bike ride

Angela with the VFR

A kiss attempt, we like to kiss

Angela's new rocker hair
Thats all for now. I hope you enjoyed it, Sarah. hahahaaha