you know it's real when there's nothing left to reveal

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Rally Report - my best post ever!!

Ok, first off, no that's not me in the picture. But that doesn't mean I've never done that. I just didn't get a photo of it, that's all.

I said a while back that I would tell my tales of Rally School. I made you wait a while, cause I first needed to show you that Lee is a Hott Cowboy and that I have a girlfriend. There's the excuse, like it or not.

I had an absolute BLAST at the school!! I learned SO SO SO much! It was everything I hoped it was and more!! Honest! It was fast, crazy, challenging, entertaining, educating, scary (for the other guys), ridiculous, absurd, and fun fun fun!! I never thought something like it existed in this world full of rules and safety labels. It was safe,...just in a risk your life sort of way.

The best way to explain the school is to link you to the Rally School's Video page and for you to watch the "O'Neill Final" video. Tim, the owner and main instructor, will talk you through the exciting video about why this school exists. Plus, you will see for yourself what I actually did. Enjoy.

**this is the part were you watch the frikin video**

Being from Canada at an American school was fun to. I was labeled "Foreigner" at first. The instructors would say "how does that sound to the Foreigner?" It was pretty funny. I was also called "Team Canada" and after that was said the first line of the Canadian National Anthem was sung, off key. Only the first line was sung cause they didn't know the rest, haha. So when it was my turn to drive the instructor, who was sitting in the passenger seat, would say "Lets see how Team Canada can do....O Canada!!!" It was jokes.

I spent four days at the school, mostly in the cars to. So either I was thrashing about sending rocks flying at small helpless squirrels, or I was sitting in the back seat whilst another white knuckled contestant was thrashing the old VW or Audi around in the mud slicked course. Ya I said MUD. It rained on and off the entire time so the course was a mud hole. It makes it harder but I suppose I'm a better driver cause I had to learn in more difficult conditions. On the first day during the simple slalom exercise one of the dudes rolled a Jetta on its side. Now I wasn't in that car, but I still thought I was gonna die. This was the easy stuff....wasn't it?!?!?

In the end I did really really well. They said that I should race even. Unfortunately, here in North America people only watch boring racing that goes around in circles (NASCAR barf) so there is no money to be made racing rally. In Europe however, Rally is HUGE!!! But I live here so.....I still want to get into it though. So my plan is this:

Step 1: Steal Peoples Socks
Step 2: ???
Step 3: $$$Money$$$
Step 4: Race

Pray for me that it will work....and that I will think of #2.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Live From New Zealand

Hey everyone who is cool!! I found the New Zealand chirstian radion station website and they have a listen online feature now. So if you want to hear great christain tunes and wicked awesome Dj accents then check it out!! They sound sorta like Stuart and Lynly Allen. so cool.

Just try it, you won't regret it.