you know it's real when there's nothing left to reveal

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Attack of the bees, OH SH@T

I must begin this blog with a warning, it may be a little morbid and I might just swear once or twice. Other that that its ok.

So last week I was trail blazing in the forest that me and my fellow dirt bikers ride in. Last year they logged a section of the forest and blocked portions of the trail with fallen trees and limbs (tree limbs, not the limbs of the loggers). This of course really sucks cause, well, you can't find the trail and then you get frustrated, then you usually get various vegetation wrapped around your neck and face while trying to make a path which leads to further frustration and your blood boils, which then fogs up your goggles and prevents you from seeing that low branch at about face level, and then you get leveled.

So I took it upon myself to clear the trail. It was a lot of work, 8 or so hours worth. So here's the part with the bees. On the first day I was out there, I was re-routing the trail around a fallen tree and only had two small tree's left to remove. I started hacking the second last tree. I suddenly realized that there was a buzzing sound and it was getting louder. Then I felt a sharp pain in my arm that was holding the machete. I looked at my arm, and it was being swarmed by wasp's!!! AAAAAAHHH FRICK!!! and ran like a scalded cat! Now somehow I out ran them, that isn't what normally happens. Trust me, I saw a friend of mine get swarmed. After we stopped laughing at him squirming on the ground a squealing like a pig, we went over and swatted the bees off him.

A Bee Fact : The person being attacked or swarmed is the target of the bees, therefore, you can help a person being swarmed by swiping or scooping, not hitting or smacking, the bees off of the victim and you yourself won't get swarmed as a result. Most of the time anyway.

So I was in the clear now but there were still two tree's in the way. What to do. I guess I tuned to flow or something but I realized that if I out ran the bees once, then I could probably do it again.

Attack Plan: Storm the remaining tree's and hack like crazy at them until buzzing sound is heard, then run like hell!

It actually worked, it just took some time and a lot of running. In the end I only got stung once. Not bad eh? The funniest thing is that the same thing happened the second day, only a different place, and different bees, and I still only got stung once. Good times...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to be tough Steve! A bee stung my head several years ago and I'm pretty sure it died afterward. Good, I freakin' hate bees. I hate when they're buzzing by your ear and it sends a chill down your spine.(not the happy kind)I wonder how to rid a fear of we have to like forgive and bless them or something?

3:37 PM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

I think that bees are little demons. Cast them into the flaming lake of doom.

3:58 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...


did the bees make you go back to work??

9:21 PM

Blogger beth said...

Bees are so crazy.....from maija da bee.

9:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should totally blog again!

9:08 PM


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