Cats and Cars
As some of you know, I've been having problems sleeping for quite a while now, and in an effort to solve the prob I got a CAT scan (not a meow cat) done on me brain to see if all is well. Now of course, this obviously led to "I wonder if they'll find anything, hahahha" jokes. And that's perfectly fine. I can take a joke...honest. Right Chorly, my little fluffy friend....?
....oh my, he's grumpy today. Well anyway, I got the scan done last night...
"okay, just lie still and try not to move you head"
"sure thing"
5 minutes later
"okay, your all done, you handsome man you"
"gee thanks nurse, that didn't hurt at all!"
"hahahaha" nervous giggle type laugh
"so, what'd you find? Do I have a brain?"
"Yep! I saw it. Its good looking to!"
"HAHA!! So everyone that called me a brainless idiot was wrong!!"
"...ah...ya, they are....?"
"well, about the brainless part anyway"
Awkward Silence
"ok, thankyou, bye"
And that's exactly how it went,...exactly like that...word for word. for serious.
In other news, I went to the Auto Show this past week. I'm not gonna post my opinions on here, but I had a good time. All I will say it...Audi's Rule!! The RS 4 is just dam sexy! I posted about it before. I saw it in person, or in car, well beside it, cause it was to nice to let all those skunk apes sit in it.
I did get to sit in the Audi S4, which is the younger brother (yes, Audi's are boys!!) to the RS 4. What a sweet car. Jesus told me that is his favorite to, just so you know.