you know it's real when there's nothing left to reveal

Monday, April 25, 2005

Fauxhawk History

Seeing as how my blog is named after my sweet hair du, I thought I should do some research about it and let you's know what I found. It goes back further than you would think...

In the beginning God created man with a fauxhawk, and God looked upon the man with his fauxhawk and said that it was good. And then He breathed life into the man and his fauxhawk and said, you and your sweet hair du will have dominion over the earth and all of the other hair du's.

Now we fast forward a bit...

And Cain being jealous of his brother Able's fauxhawk just couldn't deal with it any more so he smitten him, and God said to Cain, your brothers fauxhawk calls to me from the earth that it lays upon. From now on your hair du will resemble that of a shrubbery.

So we see that the fauxhawk was from before the fall. Before the fall the was no such thing as a bad hair day. Every day Adam awoke with a perfectly stunning fauxhawk, no need for fancy hair products. After the fall Able was able to use a certain tree wax to make a make-shift fauxhawk but it was still lame compared to his fathers from before the fall. Modern hair products have made it possible to have the "before the fall" look again but unfortunately can do nothing about bed-head and bad hair days. In conclusion, let us all, brothers AND sisters, return to the original creation of the hair du and ALL sport a Fauxhawk.

**Note: the author takes no responsibility for mis-translation of the Bible verse in this blog.

Monday, April 11, 2005

So everyone's a leader you say...

That's what we are told right? "God created everyone to be a leader". But you know what, its true. Yes true. The problem is that we have the wrong idea about what leadership means. I always thought that being a leader was to be a Pastor, CEO, Politician, President etc. Ok, those are definitely leaders. But who leads them? In a perfect world God would be their number one leader. But everyone has people who lead them in their everyday lives right? Or do they? Most people have parents and teachers leading them when they are young. But then what? Are we suddenly smart enough to go about the rest of our lives without help? Heck no!! So who leads us then?? And who's going to lead the next generation??

The truth is that we ARE all leaders. We lead others out of OUR everyday lives. I believe that Jesus lead his disciples through living His life as an open book. As in, the disciples knew everything about Jesus, they could read His life like a book. At anytime they could ask Him anything and He would answer. Jesus is our example to live by so we should do the same. Everyone of us has people in our lives that look up to us, anyone from people in our cell to our little siblings or people at work or school.

I've done my best to live my life open to those who look up to me. Even in times when its eaiser to keep quiet rather than to make known. Don't get me wrong, not every little detail is to be shared. This is definitly an area that must be submitted to God. And we all know that some things about life are just between you and God. I'm refering to the general topics, you know what I mean.

We are the leaders of tomorrow. Come on people! Thats what the G12 vision is all about. No, I'm not being payed by TACF to say this. I say it cause it works. I've seen it work. In my life and others also.

There's nothing better than God using our lives to set other people free. I absolutly love helping other people! I love that God uses me to give other people freedom and to open their eyes. Even if I was the most selfish person in the world, I would still help others cause its the best feeling ever.