you know it's real when there's nothing left to reveal

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Good Things

Seeing as how everyone else is bumping their fav tunes I will do the same, sort of. I found (on KazzaLite) all these sweet punk rock covers of all sorts of classic songs. Like Stand Bye me, My Girl, Time After Time, Brown Eyed Girl, Lola, Sweet Caroline and there are some joke songs like Oscar Meyer Weiner song, Star Wars, Batman and so on. I think they are just great, even though I not a huge punk rock fan.

Lately I’ve been realizing that God really does want to give us some real sweet blessing and meet all our needs. Which is cool cause we happen to be talking about being blessed at cell. Even though I’m still working my butt off and haven’t actually received anything real cool, I still am really feeling the goodness of God in my life. Things just seem to be moving and happening in and around me. And I like that. Some of my friends are getting married, others are getting hooked up, some are getting great jobs, and I am really enjoying being on this planet. Oh oh, and I lost a bunch of weight, which is good and bad. Good for obvious reasons and bad cause now my pants don’t fit, dang it. Who needs Atkins anyway? HA

It sorta seems strange now cause I guess I was getting so use to life as usual and now its like stuff is moving and gaining momentum. God grabbed one of my dreams and chucked it back at me and got me Jones’ in for it again. Blows my mind how amazing Big G is. Good things I tell ya. I’m saving like madness to go to SBS in the fall and I’m getting way psyched about it. My bro is in Worship School and loving it. My dad got a new bike and it’s SO amazing and fun and fast. I hope everyone reading this is feeling the same as me cause it’s a wonderful thing. Be blessed my friends…



Blogger Jake-M said...

Hey Steve, I read your comments on my blog, and I took them to heart. As such I will use only three letter words for the rest of this comment.

You are a gud guy. I lyk you. kom see me. i wil tlk to you rel soo n.

9:26 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...

great post Steve-o... God is faithful in the crappy times and in the mountain-top times...

I'm glad you're seeing some sky finally dude!

10:43 AM

Blogger beth said...

sweet as(s)....

9:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, that was the happiest post I've read in a while. I'm realizing God's overflowing my life with goodness at the moment too. Sigh...I love the Jesus! I miss kazza! I ripped soooo many songs from that site, but it ended up spanking me in the end. It gave our computer a virus and destroyed all our files. ARG. Good luck to YOU though!

PTL for pants that don't fit anymore! When I go shopping I almost reach for my old size, like I still can't believe I'm smaller now. It's so hard gettin' skinny, but so worth it eh? Keep it up homie and stay away from the scale. Scales are NOT friends. =)

12:45 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

Tank u Jake fer undr stan ding. I lyk u 2. i new u wood. ur a gud man eh. hop 2 c u sewn. i wil snd u a e mal a bot r pln s.

Thanks Maija, hahahahahahaha wait till you go to NZ and someone says Sweet as to you. I was thinking "oh my, these people are very open will their compliments" hahaha

Ya Sarah, I had that thing yesterday with the pants when I FINALY went shopping. I actually had a 32 that pretty much fit, crazy!! that was my size in grade 8. so weird.

Do you think that, like money, the clothes sizes also have that inflation thing?? I wonder....

9:03 AM

Blogger beth said...

Steve, very uplifting post :)
I agree- things are gaining momentum. Spring has sprung and everything is beginning to grow and flourish again. Keep enjoying the little miracles in each day, oh, and there are lots of pants for cheap prices. You just gotta shop around, dude. Plus you walk in lots o' favour.
Ta ta for now,

12:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should put you on the show "What not to wear". Stacy and Clinton will come crash some party you're at and hand you a $5,000 credit card with your name on it! I love when they put people on there who are like,"I just lost 50 pounds and I have no money to buy new clothes!" Those ones are the best. Just to clarify I'm not saying you have bad taste in clothes...I havn't seen you enough to know! =)

ps. Arnold says hi

4:24 PM


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