you know it's real when there's nothing left to reveal

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I'm Back Now

Just got back late Tuesday night from the not-as-warm-as-it-shoulda-been Bahamas. Ya I know, there was no snow falling, but stink it was chilly some days. We were in Florida for 4 days at Disney before going to Bahamas and that was even colder. I was wearing jeans and my fleece jacket most of the time. We did get some real nice days in the Islands though, and I did get a decent tan, so I'll stop complaining. Wait, one more thing. I found out that I missed the biggest snow storm ever! I love snow storms!!! dang it!

So I'm sure that you are all wondering how my family got to go on this massive vacation. Well, we have relatives in the Bahamas. Now your all not as jealous cause your thinking of what it would be like to spend three weeks with relatives with out anyone being killed. HA! Fortunately these relatives are real fun to be with. Even the little kids that we were sort of looking after were fun. After the first two weeks I decided not to through them into the ocean because after all, they are only 3 and 5 and can't be expected to be little angles all the time, or even some of the time. And I still want to have kids of my own some day. I did question that idea, but by the end of the trip I was still sure that I did.

I tell more details of the trip in later blogs, but I would like to share an insight I had whilst away. We did celebrate Christmas down there, but it was just weird having sand instead of snow, palm trees instead if pine trees, fruity rum drinks instead of Canadian beer, Fish instead of Turkey, swimming instead of toboganing, shorts instead of scarves and touqes, ice in my drink instead of hot apple cider from Timmy's, building sand castles instead of snow forts, etc. You can do all these things in the "summer" time in Canada. I was feeling like I was really missing something. Most of all, there was and is nothing that can replace the holiday good times with friends. I know that Christmas seems like a lot of fuss and hassle at times, but it is so worth all the work, all the gatherings, and all the sitting around eating to much. So I've decided that I will spend the Christmas Holidays close to home from now on.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger *sPARKLY~sARAH* said...

You're BACK!!!!! YAY!!!!!
Oh geez, I just read the other comment, you've only been back for like a day! And already people are on you to work, work, work! That's sick.
Welcome back man, I missed you.

5:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY you're back! That's flippin' cool that you went to the Bahamas, and in the middle of winter too. Christmas should always be spent at home with your friends and family. Feels wrong when it's not. Way to go on your tan though! I'll bet you and your brother look black standing next to white guys like Andrew Gaz. Then again his hairy arms make him look dark...(I'm fully hoping he reads this)

And that's sweet that you refrained from throwing the kids into the ocean. I'd be afraid for your future kids if you had. =) You'll make a kick ass dad someday worries!

1:34 AM

Blogger Lee said...

Welcome back Steve!!!
We'll have to go for a beer to celebrate your return!

11:50 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...

we need to hook up dude; beer on me

7:07 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...

uh, i mean cheese... yes... cheese

7:07 PM


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