you know it's real when there's nothing left to reveal

Monday, July 11, 2005


Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find her, the one that God's chosen for me. And what if I find her and she doesn't like me, I guess that disproves destiny. But I should know better, the sea is much wetter, with plenty of fishes to see (for you and me). And I know my Father, has scoped out the water, and picked out a fishy for me....
Jesus has a girl for me, she's everything I want her to be
Jesus has a girl for me, I know He does, just wait and see
Jesus has a girl for me, she's everything I want her to be
Jesus has a girl for me, and I'll love her, and she'll love me
Once in a while I'm tempted to hook up with any old Suzy or Jane. Who cares what she is like as long as she's pretty I don't even have to know her name. But I should know better, the sea is much wetter with plenty of fishes to see. And I know my Father has scoped out the water and picked out a fishy for me....
Jesus has a girl for me, she's everything I want her to be
Jesus has a girl for me, I know He does, just wait and see
Jesus has a girl for me, she's everything I want her to be
Jesus has a girl for me, and I'll love her, and she'll love me
Jesus has a girl for me, I know He does because He told me in His Word, the Bible, the desires of my heart, He'd give me every good and perfect gift we know is from above. But there is one gift that I haven't got, and that's the gift of love. Now I know Jesus loves me, and I am so in love with Him but that's a different kind of love,love, love, than I've been thinking of. I want a girl with big brown eyes and smile so sweet, where is the girl who loves Jesus as much as me.
This is one of my favorite songs of all time. Its by the band Philmore. If you want to hear it I can email the mp3 to you. I heard it on the Christian radio station when I was 18 and thought it was the greatest song ever. So I bought the album.
I do need to point out an error in the lyrics though. We all know that God gave us the freedom to choose, we're not robot's eh. So the part were he is saying "the one that Gods chosen for me" is not biblically correct. God may direct us towards someone who is a potential spouse, but the decision is always ours.


Blogger Jake-M said...

Sweet song man. I dig.

The other day a trusted friend asked me why I don't have a girlfriend, or go on dates. I thought about it for a while, and I think that it's because over the years I have established this ideal that is the "best" in my mind, and that is a loving, commmitted relationship. And because I have this "best" in mind, anything less, like just a casual date, seems bad.

Steve, what's your take on that, and about going on dates? It seems unlikely that a relationship is going to jump straight to the loving committed part, so are there necessary smaller steps that have to be taken that aren't as evil as I might think?

7:19 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

Good question Jake. I have wondered about that alot myself. I used to think I needed to be so gaurded so that I wouldn't ruin the "best". But I think what I set up as boundries actually ended up being walls. I think I missed out on alot of good friendships because I cut them short cause I was waiting only for the "best".

Basically, the start of any kind of relationship has to start with friendship. There's nothing wrong with a guy ang a girl being best friends. Of course the relationship is based on Godly principals and should be pure in Gods eyes, blah blah blah.

I think alot of the time that once a person decides to "wait for the one God has for them" or whatever, they get to up tight about it and end up hiding in a corner somewhere waitng for the person to fall out of the sky. Its like no one wants to risk making a mistake or to be-friend a person unless they hear God tell them "thats the ONE". Gods not gonna tell you who to marry, so I say, be freinds!! There's nothing wrong with it, and only good can come out of it.

As far as dating, I think people are to up tight about that to. I know I was. We have Holy Spirit to guide us and I'm sure that if we were going in a direction that we shouldn't, God would let us know. So face your fear and ask her out!! Its the question with the ring that is the biggie.

Of course this is my opinion, and they are based on my life experience. But I swear it's true!!!

5:07 PM

Blogger Jake-M said...

Hmmm...god stuff man. Biblically speaking there is a precident for God telling people who to marry, like Isaac getting a word to send out his servant to find a wife. But then it still required a choice on behalf of the two people, and commitment through all of life's challenges.
I can think of some friends I know who married because they 'knew' God was telling them they were right for each other. When trials came they weren't committed to each other in the least, and divorced within a year.
Mind you, that same scenario happens sometimes in marriages without any sense of calling from God as well.
I guess we just need to enjoy life, love God, and love each other.
Also, think about this: We hope for the "best". But in what capacity has God ever given us the "best" right away? In jobs, ministry, life in general, we seem to start with humble beginnings and slowly move into our best. Maybe it's the same with relationships...hmmm....yeah maybe it is. We start with friendship and somewhere along the way there is attraction, and then there needs to be honesty and committment, and God works through that...I don't know, maybe my opinion is a bit rusty.

7:47 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

no no, not rusty at all. I can't give solid evidence of it, but I think what you said is ture. If I look back at my life I can see that, in what little scraps of relationships I've had, they have grown towards what I would consider "best". So if I put that info into the Bat Computer I'm sure it would tell me that things are looking good for the future. haha, bat computer...
Ya, and about the Isaac story. I always thought God "told" them to marry because of the way the events played out. But when you read it slowly you see that, yes God was leading and directing, but in every part of the story both party's made the "choice" to marry. At no point did God over ride their free will. Cool eh!!

4:38 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Life is an adventure that's for sure.
I reckon that the best thing to do is LISTEN TO THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THEN DO WHAT HE SAYS.
I dont think there is one way, or a formula as such.
I think Steve one day you will just be so surprised, it'll all fall into place! :O)

9:21 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

Thanks Stephanie, I hope that's what happens to...

2:05 PM

Blogger Jon L said...

I'm looking for a girl in England for you Steve, but so far none stand out...

2:45 AM

Blogger beth said...

steve, you heart is so loving- I can't wait to meet your girl...she'll be lots of fun! One of those girls I'll really want to be around and hang out with and learn from. happy days....

3:21 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...


she's going to be a stellar woman... far above all you could have asked for or imagined that God would bring to you. You deserve a princess, my friend!

7:18 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...

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7:18 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...


4:19 PM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

thanks for looking Jon, lol

Wow Bethany, what a compliment. Your nice!

Pudd I like your thinking. I will talk to you soon.

Yes Mel you will be there, you always are right. lol

1:21 PM


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