you know it's real when there's nothing left to reveal

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Jon Long is a Hick

Jon Long is a Hick
Originally uploaded by Sgt Steve.

I now have proof that our good friend Jon Long is a part time Hick. This pic is not doctored in any way, actually I was there with him, you know cause I'm a hick my self, EH! yee hawww! We's at one of'em there smash'em up derby's up der in Alliston. Its a good ol time with the local yocals and then in the evening yu get all boozed up and drive yer tractor down main street and have a huge tire fire.....ok I making that up, the boozin part, hahahaa!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man! Steve Hollema you're certainly something else...


10:58 PM

Blogger Jon L said...

I love my yolkal past

8:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, Is that station wagon behing Jon racing another car?

Oh my, it's really happening. You're converting J-lo into a hick and there's nothing I can do to stop you. I think he wants to get married and have little kidlets someday, so just go easy on him.

I think I'm confusing "hicks" with "cowboys". A full on cowboy parked his big ol' truck beside me last night. It was covered in stickers that said things like "cowboy up". He had the full coywboy outfit up and he even tipped his hat at me. I kinda liked it. Don't turn into that kind of a hick, ok? Ok.

11:17 AM

Blogger beth said...

shouldn't he be a bit more dirty and chewing straw or
'whacky tobac-ee'. anyways....i'm glad i'm associated with ya'll. It's all abuot the hook-ups. maybe when Jon starts a petting zoo up in the boonies you'll let my kids in for free.

7:14 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...

man, Jon Long is a dirty, dirty hick.

who's the hot hick in the background (in the blue)... is she your girlfriend Steve??

10:28 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

thats your mom andrew. we had a great time to!!

Uh, I don't think its a good idea to chew wacky tobac-ee, or anything with it for that matter...

Yes Sarah, that station wagon is racing another car. They're trying to hit each other so that the other guys car quits. Thats how yu win eh.

Hey Holli, I think you're confusing Hicks with Redneck. They have a bit in common, but they are very different people. Hicks are good people, honestly. Cowboys and Cowgirls are cool to, except for the country music...whats with that stuff?

3:41 PM

Blogger Jake-M said...

Hick, Rednecks, Cowboys, Gohlers, you don't become these things, you just ARE these things, in denial. Steve is not corupting Jon, he is helping him to become more fully himself! Support Jon in his quest for self-discover, even if that means his hair gets a little longer in the back.

10:01 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...


Jake you rock!

1:39 PM

Blogger dearbethany said...

Okay...I fully disagree with the comment posted by the wise...but not fully experienced Jacob Murphy.
For I, Bethany Critchley, was forced into hickery...and eventually managed to fight my way out of it. It was a FALSE identity. Some would still even WRONGLY accuse me of being a hick...but the Lord himself has shielded me from their hurtful arrows! I pray that Jon does not allow himself to become something he was never meant to be! He could not handle the all.

AH Jake, I heard you moved back to T-dot. I can't wait to see big teddy bear you!

12:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

....... go for it steve

11:44 PM


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