The Canuks go to the US Eh!
Yes, I know, yet another weekend of travilng. This weekend was really special though. We (Kenny, Marcel, Thomas and Me) went down to Pittsburgh PA to visit our friend Pete Dorosh, and his family to cause they're so fun. Every time I've visited Pete its been a flipin amazing good time. This was our best time yet. We got to shot real American guns, we had a crazy party, we went ice skating and drank beer (not all at the same time, however that does sound like a good idea).
The guns were amazing, only in the US can you go to a shooting range and give them $25 and listen to a 5 min lesson and then recievce a real gun with real ammo. They didn't even stand behind us while we were clumbsly trying to load our weapons and start shooting. God Bless America! We were shoting 9mm guns which is a standard hand gun, but there was this nice shiny gun in the display that was calling to me. "Steve, I'm a Smith & Wesson 500, I'm the biggest gun of them all, shot me and you'll be a real man". So I rented it and shot it, I am now a real man, that gun was insane!
The party was awesome! lots of crazyness and retarded dancing, good times had by all.
Skating was the funnest ever. They were playing music to skate to so we (like 20 or more) we're flying around dancing to the music and trying to figure skate. And some fake fighting to. We only got in trouble like 5 or 6 times! I figure that all the other people on the ice thought we were drunk and gay (alot of ass smacking going on). There was girls with us so perhaps I'm wrong, but I'm sure they though we were high on something.
So thanks again to Pete and the entire Dorosh family for yet another great time in the US!!!